Disaster Preparedness for Horses

Disaster Preparedness for HorsesYou are ready! But are your horses ready for that disaster?

• Develop a written disaster plan to follow in the event of required evacuation and known to all family members
• Have maps and alternate evacuation routes available
• Keep trailers well serviced and trucks with plenty of fuel
• Include a list of important telephone numbers including family members, neighbors, emergency services, your veterinarian, places for you and your animals to stay
• Have ownership and veterinary records for your horses including their identification
• Prepare evacuation kits for each horse including a halter and lead, hay and supplements, water, grooming and stall cleaning supplies, and medications required by your horses
• Prepare animal first aid kit prepared on advice of your veterinarian (see below)
• Evacuate as soon as the order is given to prevent problems with the trip or injury to you or your animals

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